A couple of streets from your Hotel du Continent can be found one of the most beautiful places in Paris; the Jardin des Tuileries. These 25 hectares of greenery, extending from the Louvre to the Place de la Concorde, offer the perfect location for a spring picnic. Then, of course, you’ll want to visit the traditional funfair that takes place there from June to August.


Lunch on the grass at the Tuileries

Amidst the beautiful perspectives designed by Le Nôtre, by the statues of Maillol, Giacometti or Rodin, at the edge of the pond or along the gravel paths, you can relax on the iconic green chairs or spread a blanket on the grass for an outdoor lunch in the heart of Paris. The team at your Hotel du Continent will be happy to recommend some nearby delicatessens and patisseries where you can stock up tasty treats for your picnic.


Recapturing childhood

All summer long, this popular public park takes us back to childhood with the joys of the Fête des Tuileries, the sound of carousels and the sweet scent of waffles and candy floss. The nostalgic appeal of wooden horses, the thrills of the ghost train and dodgems and the challenge of the shooting gallery and hook a duck are an irresistible invitation to young and old alike.


For a stroll in the quiet of morning, a spontaneous picnic under the chestnut trees, a snooze on the grass or the fun and excitement of the traditional funfair rides and booths offered by the fête, the Tuileries are a summer delight ... and only a five-minute walk from your hotel !